2023/10/2Continuing from last time, I am writing from home today as well.


About onions

I eat a small amount on a small plate.

Sometimes I eat purple onions.

About fruit

I eat one banana every day.

I’m eating  grapes that my friend sent me.

About nuts

I regularly order nuts from Amazon.

About apple cider vinegar

My throat pain has improved, I drink 1table spoon again every morning.

About carbo hydrate restriction

I’m not able to do it at all.

I also eat sweets and fruits.

I have to do something.

About physical condition

My sore throat has completely improved.

About exercise

As usual, I just walk to walk.

About rice bran pickles

I eat it almost every day. But I didn’t  eat yesterday.

About spices

I add cinnamon when I drink coffee.

Lately, I’ve been  eating less  homemade chocolate.

So, I’m eating a little turmeric.

