About onions
I eat a little onion almost every day.
About fruits
I still eat a half an apple, when I work the night shift.
About nuts
I eat nuts every day.
But, I eat also Kratzs every day.
Kratzs cancels out the effects of nuts.
About apple cider vinegar
I’m starting to feel better, so I’m drinking apple cider vinegar.
But, my body is not still in perfect condition.
About carbo hydrate restriction
I don’t know what to do anymore.
I eat too many sweets。
I write the same things every time.
My eating habits have been bad lately.
I’m still writing this while eating donuts.
Yesterday, I ate cornbread.
I have to think of something.
About physical condition
Finally, my body is felling better.
But, my nose is still not feeling well.
It’s hard for me to be sick to 10 days a month.
Therefore, I decided to eat ginger.
I’m going to some ginger today too.
I’ll see how it goes now.
About exercise
I haven’t exercised even more than last time.
Because I often took the bus.
I will walk as much as possible from now on.
About rice bran pickles
Sometimes I don’t eat dinner, so I don’t eat rice bran pickles.
About spices
I add cinnamon to my coffee every day.
Even now, when I eat home made chocolate, I add turmeric.
The number times is small.